Attorney Profile
Individual - Family Tax
Business Tax

Our Practice Areas
Our legal practice areas include but are not limited to:

  • Federal and State Tax Problems
  • Bank & Wage Levy
  • IRS Payment Plan
  • Payroll Tax
  • Criminal Tax
  • Offers in Compromise
  • Release Tax Lien
  • IRS Penalties and Interest
  • Independent Contractor Tax Laws
  • Marital and Divorce Tax Problems
  • Estate Planning, Probate and Trust Funds
  • Corporate Governance
  • Employment Agreements
  • Business Formation and Exit Strategies
  • Business Sales, Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Business Litigation
Perry Popovich Attorney-at-Law
Experienced Fresno County Tax Lawyer
Contact Perry Popovich, Attorney-at-Law, today to learn more about the five common mistakes small business’s make regarding their taxes:

  • Should I be saving receipts less than $50?
  • What is the difference equipment and supplies?
  • How much are my car expenses?
  • What exactly are my reimbursable expenses?
  • How far can go regarding gift write-offs?

Make an appointment today to discuss more information on:

  • Payroll Taxes
  • Independent Contractors
  • Thrown Out Receipts
  • Intermingled Personal and Business Accounts
  • Paying Yourself A Salary

For a free initial tax consultation call tax lawyer Perry Popovich now at:
Disclosure: Photos may not depict images, places or situations related to clients or tax in general. Other photos may not depict attorneys or clients of the firm. The photos are intended only as dramatizations. Testimonials or endorsements, or statements regarding the outcome of your tax matter(s) should not be construed as a guarantee or warrantee or prediction regarding the result or outcome of your or anyone’s legal matter. Each tax return or tax issue has its own unique facts and the outcome of each matter can differ.

Disclaimer: The information you read at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual tax situation.
We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls and electronic mail. Contacting us, however, does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship.
Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.
Our law office is dedicated to serving: Individuals, Families, and Businesses Throughout Northern California 
Copyright © 2022 by Perry Popovich, Attorney at Law. All rights reserved. AIMSITE® by Anderson Internet Marketing
Business Tax Lawyer in Clovis, CA

It is evident given our current economic environment our government is focusing on small business audits such as Schedule C filers, partnerships, S Corporations and Limited Liability Companies to generate much needed state and federal dollars. Because small business has been used as a form of tax shelter for many people, the IRS is going after small business owners more aggressively.

Most everyone will wait to call a tax attorney until there is a problem. Because there is no immediate legal issue concern, they let other operating expenses take priority. Smart business planning includes being proactive by preventing potential legal issues. This would include having a tax attorney on board as part of your core business team.

The Law Offices of Perry Popovich is located in Clovis, Fresno County, CA . Perry advises and defends individual and business clients in tax controversies and tax litigation with the IRS and state and local tax authorities. His telephone number is 650-856-0672.

The IRS can, in fact, shut down your business, charge you large penalties and interest, and can even invoke prison time upon you. At minimum, an IRS audit or inquiry can be worrisome and time consuming. That's why having an experienced tax attorney "on you side" makes a difference. A good tax attorney is there to help your business grow - not have to worry about the IRS. Perry Popovich is an experienced tax attorney with integrity and determination to aggressively protect your financial interests. 

Tax Lawyer Can Help With Your Small Business Opportunities

Innovative legal, tax and business solutions from start-up emerging growth companies to LLC’s, corporations, partnerships, and sole proprietorships. Perry Popovich advises small business owners to tax related issues that if not handled properly, can lead to consequences such as IRS and state tax collection actions, tax audits or tax litigation problems. Tax attorney can often provide advantages for small businesses by helping with:
  • Small Business Plans
  • Acquiring Venture Capitol Funds and Seed Money
  • Buying and Starting a New Business
  • Formation and Tax Advantages of a LLC- Limited Liability Company, Partnership,
 S Corporation, Sole Proprietorships.
  • Formation and Legal Operations of Internet Business’s with e-commerce
  • Home Business Tax Returns and Tips for “Not Getting Audited”

Tax Lawyer Perry Popovich offers these Home Based Business Tips:

The biggest concern you need to be aware of is receipts. This is a must have in case you are ever audited. It's recommended that you must have some kind of filing system that categorizes at least the following:

  • auto expenses
  • travel
  • entertainment
  • rent
  • utilities
  • advertising and marketing
  • professional fees
  • canceled checks
  • food
Income Tax File